
Swap Fees

Swap fees are distributed pro-rata to all in-range liquidity at the time of the swap. If the spot price moves out of a position’s range, the liquidity becomes inactive and stops generating fees. When the price reenters the range, the liquidity becomes active again and starts generating fees. Unlike previous versions, swap fees are not automatically reinvested; they must be manually redeemed by the owner.

Pool Fee Tiers

Blaster V3 introduces multiple pools for each token pair, each with a different swapping fee: 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.30%, and 1%.

Finding the Right Pool Fee

Different assets will likely gravitate towards specific fee tiers. Low volatility assets (like stablecoins) will prefer the lowest fee tier due to minimal price risk and the desire for a close 1:1 execution price. More exotic or less frequently traded assets will lean towards higher fees, as liquidity providers need to offset the cost risk of holding these assets.

  • Stablecoins (e.g., USDB/eUSD): 0.01%

  • WETH/USDB: 0.05%

  • LRTs: 0.05%

  • Memes: 0.3% - 1%

  • Others: 0.3%

Last updated